The online RYA Day Skipper theory course is ideal for inexperienced and aspiring skippers.
The course equips you with sufficient knowledge to navigate safely around familiar waters by day plus a knowledge of lights to introduce you to night cruising.
Developments in technology and electronic navigation aids now available on most cruising boats is also included. Invaluable if you are considering taking the RYA Day Skipper practical course and for learning how to start making informed decisions on board.
What's Included
- Unlimited support from our dedicated RYA Instructors – 365 days a year via email, phone or Skype/Zoom.
- 14-day unconditional money-back guarantee.
- Over 40 hours of 15 fully-narrated online lessons including animations, videos and realistic 3D graphics.
- Embedded quizzes with instant feedback in each lesson.
- 15 self-assessment exercises with fully worked answers.
- Over 50 downloadable or linked resources.
- RYA Student Pack (including 2 training charts, training almanac & course handbook).
- Mock exams to prepare you for the real thing and give you the confidence to pass.
- 2 final online exams with detailed instructor feedback and free repeat attempts if required.
- RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Theory Course Completion Certificate.
- 12 months access to study with instructor support and exams – you can extend this if you want.
- Lifetime access to training materials once you’ve completed the course.
Previous Experience
It is expected that you have an interest in, and have spent an amount of time on the water, as a crew member of a sailing or motor vessel. However, the course is suitable for beginners and as such no previous experience is required.
Course Itinerary
The course is covered in 40 hours which you can spread over a 12 months period if necessary.